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Hello and welcome to the Tangent's GIGAFAN offer for 2024. Please Note that this is a premium price FUND RAISER.
First of all, let me make it clear that no-one is "expected" to go for this offer, it's expensive and these are not easy times. But there are "good" reasons for this and if you'll allow me, I'll go into them here
In these "not easy times" The Tangent (which is on a scale of Zero to Taylor Swift - around 0.00001.) is a band that has struggled to survive for 20 years and more, consistently actually managing this ONLY through the support of listeners who pay considerably above the odds to keep us going.
Our Gigafan offer this time is the sale of 25 hand numbered copies of the VINYL edition of the album Tangent For One's "To Follow Polaris". There will be a corresponding 25 copies ONLY of an exclusive 24 page 7 inch booklet (bigger than the one from the CD editions) printed and this will only be available as part of this offer. Ever.

There IS a reason we are doing this
The money we recieve from this offer will be used to recoup the monies we had to spend in 2023 on restoring my hearing - an eyewatering amount without which there would quite literally have been no more music . Around June of 2023 I had an "incident" where I was subjected to an exceedingly loud noise for far too long. This was something that I thought i could deal with but sadly found out I could not. After the incident I found myself quite badly impaired of high register hearing. Although I will say that this had nothing to do with any Tangent related activities, I have had it "fixed" - and all is well for the future, but it cost more to fix than anything I've ever bought for myself before. If we sell all 25 of these special packages and have no "misses" with postage, along with other fund raising we've already done we will get close to covering that unforeseen mega-problem. Anyone taking us up on this offer is even more literally than usual - investing in the future of this musical venture - really actually helping us to continue in a tangible way.
We have 2 packages we can send out with this
Package 1 at £135 GBP includes the Vinyl double album plus the exclusive booklet. The Booklet and sleeve will be signed and a personal message added to the booklet.
Package 2 at £160 GBP includes the Vinyl Double album and exclusive Booklet plus a copy of the CD Mediabook. All signed and once again with personal message.
The Booklet will have your name printed in it providing we receive your order in time for the print run to begin. We estimate this at the 10th April 2024
Both vinyl packages include single CD edition in plastic wallet.
Because of increasingly ridiculous postage prices we can no longer automatically include these in our pricings for vinyl particularly outside the UK which are sometimes costing more than 50 GBP to send with tracked carriers. I will contact you via email after you make you order to ask about your personal choices as to how this is delivered to you which will involve us asking you to cover delivery of more than 15 GBP. Wherever you are we will pay the first 15 GBP no matter how you choose to have this sent to you. At present we are not able to say how much the packages will weigh!
If you live in South America, The Russian Federation or Belarus please contact me BEFORE ordering. We had numerous problems on the last mailout leading to us actually making a loss on items even at these big prices! :0 A customer in one of these countries requested we use a carrier. This cost us 80 GBP with UPS and it wasn't the only one. When the carrier "could not find the address supplied" (ha ha) they sent it back to me (without offereing an alternative solution and despite me requesting they did NOT do that) and charged me a further 80 GBP. To resend cost 80 GBP making the total bill for postage 240 GBP on an item I was selling for 150. I have no idea whether the replacement package ever reached its destination. These problems are becoming more frequent every time we release and sadly we can not afford this any more!

Our Premium Pre-Orders are specifically to support the work of The Tangent and its sub projects at prices which actually reflect the amount of work that has been done. Buying one of our Premium packages is the best way of supporting the now 20 year long career of this band into its third decade of music making. In weeks leading to release this album will be available at normal price points.
For more info about what the different options mean please click here

Our Premium Pre-Orders are specifically to support the work of The Tangent and its sub projects at prices which actually reflect the amount of work that has been done. Buying one of our Premium packages is the best way of supporting the now 20 year long career of this band into its third decade of music making.
Our "Megafan" option !!!!! (OFFER CLOSED AT 23:59 on January 14)!!!!! priced at 55 GBP and secures you a signed copy of the CD, your name printed in the CD booklet plus access within hours to the entire album as it stands currently - i.e at DEMO STAGE only. Plus out-takes and alternate mixes as and when they become available.
Our "Pay The Wages" option at 39.99 GBP is the same as above except without your name appearing on the sleeve.
Our Family Member option gives you a simple signed CD upon release and like all the other options is a major help, and should provide a warm glow of having really contributed to the making of the music.
Our CD will be available at more affordable prices in the run up to release and will eventually be available on digital platforms although we get nothing from Spotify.
A Special VINYL option limited to 25 copies will be available at a premium cost from us very shortly. This will include extra packaging material from the regular vinyl edition and proceeds from it will be put towards very expensive advanced hearing equipment which Andy now needs in order to continue producing music.
Postage is INCLUDED in all our options except Vinyl.